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tel: +48 602 182 833

Mimar Plastics
Mimar Plastics  ›  ABOUT US

Mimar Plastics is a family business - service , acting on the plastics market since 1999 .


We provide details on injection molding own forms and entrusted by the client. We produce components for various industries such as chemical , furniture , automotive . Many years of experience allows us to provide the highest quality services fully satisfying the needs of the most demanding customers both domestic and abroad. Through continuous improvement and application of innovative solutions we are able to meet the growing demands of customers.

For years the functioning of the market of plastics made ​​many contacts through which we are able to provide comprehensive services (from design, through launch of production , to delivery of the product to the customer ) .

Do you want to cooperate?
Contact with us!
tel. +48 602 182 833 Mimar Plasics
87-207, Dębowa Łąka 30


Copyright © 2015 Mimar Plastics
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